Thursday, August 24, 2006

What We are About?

One of my preaching hero's is C.H. Spurgeon. It sounds redundant to say that becasue he has been called the "prince of preachers". But when someone is awesome...they are awesome...and Spurgeon is awesome. Here is some sweet nectar I have been sucking on from the lips of Spurgeon:

"For we long to see all religious teaching built upon the solid rock of truth, and not upon the sand of imagination; but, at the same time, our grand object is not the revision of opinions, but the regeneration of natures. We would bring men to Christ, and not to our own peculiar views of Christianity. Our first care must be that the sheep should be gathered to the great Shepherd; there will be time enough afterwards to secure them for our various folds. To make proselytes, is a suitable labour for Pharisees: to beget men unto God, is the honourable aim of ministers of Christ!"

Feast on that!