In the midst of working through the works of Jonathan Edwards I am continuing on my regiment of reading. I just finished THE GLORY OF CHRIST, by the great Puritan preacher John Owen. I have put a link with this blog so you can get the book. It's fantastic and reminds us of what our occupation in life ought to be no matter what we actually do.
To all those who have genuinely been saved by Christ he issues this summons: "let us regard it as our duty to meditate frequently on HIS glory. It is the neglect of meditation that keeps so many Christians in a feeble state, regardless of their privileges." (pg 34) In my journey I have made it a strong practice. Yes, I said practice. That's the key to unlocking the use of this treasure seeking tool. I have learned I must train myself to meditate on God's Glory in His Word and in His creation. Over the past few years of enjoying the work of meditation, I have noticed a significant change in my awareness of HIS presence. I have always sought to know Him and taste His glory. But meditating on His glory and His Word have only enabled me to sense and see what He has already been doing all around me. I am becoming more aware of who He is and what He is doing because of the quest to see and know Him deeply. I don't want the casual that I have become all to comfortable with. Many of us want the "more" in life or the "all". Well, it's right there in front of you. It's the ultimate reality: GOD HIMSELF. He is disclosing so we must not be posing! So many times I have missed the disclosure of HIS Glory only because I was poising before the mirror of my thoughts, ambitions, and cares. I cannot pose my self in the mirror of life and look at myself but look at the Glory of God and see the beauty of Him. I pray that I will continue to pursue with the most stringent passion what Owen has said: "let us regard it as our duty to meditate frequently on HIS glory. It is the neglect of meditation that keeps so many Christians in a feeble state, regardless of their privileges." Meditation is not emptying the mind but having a pestering resolve to think through and with the "mind of Christ" embedded in you as a follower of Christ. I don't want to be in a feeble state. Meditate on His glory and His Word!